Mauricio Ruiz is a writer and journalist who has lived in the US, Belgium, Mexico and Norway. His work has appeared in Words Without Borders, Catapult, The Common, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, JMWW, River Teeth, Literal Magazine, among others. He's been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and Myriad Editions Competition in the UK, as well as the Fish Short Story Prize in Ireland. He has received fellowships from OMI writers (NY), Société des auteurs (Belgium), Jakob Sande (Norway), Can Serrat (Spain), and the Three Seas' Council (Rhodes). His second book, Silencios al sur, was published in early 2017, and his work has partially been translated into Dutch and French. Mauricio Ruiz can be followed on Twitter and Instagram.
Despite the fact that the seas and oceans cover more than 70 percent of the planet’s surface, the need for in-depth knowledge of these ecosystems still […]
Europe is battling an energy crisis as Russia reduces its gas supply. With its recent history of reduced energy availability, Japan can teach Europe and the […]
Recent data released by the European Drought Observatory show that about 60% of Europe and the United Kingdom is currently in danger of drought. In mid-July, […]
A few weeks ago, the Spain based Ryanair crew announced they would organise weekly strikes until January, in protest against small wages and bad working conditions. […]
The European Commission has postponed the introduction of the new European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) scheme from May until November 2023. By that date, […]
The city of Lagos, Nigeria, might soon be uninhabitable, studies predict. With flooding on the rise, residents of the second most populous city in Africa fear […]
Travelers who decided to board a plane this summer have experienced it. The risk of cancellations and delays is far from over. From thousands of suitcases […]
The world’s tallest tree, measuring 115.92 metres, is a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) named Hyperion, from the Redwood US National Park. The tree is not on […]
Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic has announced that it’s pushing its first commercial passenger flight to spring 2023. It was originally scheduled for the end of 2022. […]
Istanbul is the Mecca of hair transplants attracting a multitude of patients from Arab countries, the US and Europe. Male hair transplant surgery is a $1 […]
The impact of the war in Ukraine has been extending to the bordering countries, indirectly affecting tourism in other Eastern European destinations, which are not actually […]
Finland will test the use of digital copies of travel documents that will let passengers travel paper-free. The country said that it wants to test a […]
The Mayor of Saint-Gervais in Haute-Savoie, Jean-Marc Peillex, is proposing an “insurance fee” by which Mont-Blanc climbers pay a deposit of 15,000€ to cover the costs […]
The European Commission has welcomed today the decision by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to call on the Russian Federation to immediately cease its infractions […]