Dr Harold Goodwin has worked on 4 continents with local communities, their governments, accommodation providers and the inbound and outbound tourism industry. He is a Professor Emeritus and Responsible Tourism Director at the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, Managing Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership and adviser to WTM Africa on its Responsible Tourism programme. He chairs the panels of judges for the World Responsible Tourism Awards and the other Awards in the family, Africa, India and Latin America. Harold founded the ICRTD series of International Conferences on Responsible Tourism in Destinations in 2002, he co-chairs the conferences with the local host organisation. He is also Founder Director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism which he founded in 2002 and which promotes the principles of the 2002 Cape Town Declaration. In 2022 the Responsible Tourism Charter was signed on Magna Carta Island incorporating two decades of experience in using tourism to make better places for people to live in and to visit.
Saskia Griep has long been a pioneer in Responsible Tourism, always at the cutting edge of the triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. […]
I wrote last week about the protests against overtourism in the Canaries. Protests which involved eleven people going on a twenty-day hunger strike. The Canary Islands are exhausted. […]
“When Bhutan opened to foreign tourists in the 1970s, our leadership resisted the temptations to harness a quick fortune from mass tourism and instead, was prescient […]
In March, Booking.com removed the Travel Sustainable badge from their platform: “In anticipation of upcoming regulatory changes, we’re adapting our approach to focus more on third-party […]
The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), UN Tourism (formerly UNWTO) and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance have formed a partnership to reverse biodiversity loss. This new […]
In the second week of March, Sara Minkara, the U.S. State Department’s Special Advisor on International Disability Rights, graced Nepal with her presence. Hosted by the […]
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) announced a plan last month to create five “mega living conservation landscapes” and consequently conserve an area […]
Between 2015 and 2017, Cape Town endured increasingly severe drought—three consecutive wet seasons, April 1st to October 31st, were dry, leaving the city of around 3.8 […]
Last week, Booking.com announced that from 25 March, it is changing its approach to sustainability on its site. With more than 28 million accommodation listings around […]
On 25 May 1850, Jung Bahadur Rana, Prime Minister of Nepal, embarked on a historic journey, leading the first Nepalese mission to the West. Jung’s journey […]
There has been an airfield at Heathrow since 1929, it was expanded during WWII to provide for long-range military aircraft servicing the Far East. It was […]
According to research just published in Nature, only small localized pockets of ice shelves were thinning in Antarctica between 1973 and 1989, located primarily in the […]