Mauricio Ruiz is a writer and journalist who has lived in the US, Belgium, Mexico and Norway. His work has appeared in Words Without Borders, Catapult, The Common, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, JMWW, River Teeth, Literal Magazine, among others. He's been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and Myriad Editions Competition in the UK, as well as the Fish Short Story Prize in Ireland. He has received fellowships from OMI writers (NY), Société des auteurs (Belgium), Jakob Sande (Norway), Can Serrat (Spain), and the Three Seas' Council (Rhodes). His second book, Silencios al sur, was published in early 2017, and his work has partially been translated into Dutch and French. Mauricio Ruiz can be followed on Twitter and Instagram.
A new heat wave is sweeping across much of Europe as some models predict extreme values never before imagined for the coming days. Between Tuesday and […]
Shell Nederland and Shell Overseas Investments, subsidiaries of Shell plc, have agreed to build a renewable hydrogen plant in the Netherlands, Holland Hydrogen I, a facility […]
Archaeologists from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff have begun an excavation of a 5,000-year-old tomb that for centuries has been believed to be linked to […]
Jane Goodall continues to pursue her commitment of providing education to the younger generations, as well as the preservation of the environment. At 88, she continues […]
The French magazine Challenges has recently published its ranking of the richest people in France. Business personalities in the tourism and hospitality sector have solid positions […]
The EU and China reached an agreement on Geographical Indications which entered into force on 1 March 2021. It is China’s first bilateral comprehensive and high-level […]
Finland has launched the world’s first batter made out of sand. It could help solve one of renewable energy’s biggest challenges, which is how to ensure […]
India has banned single-use plastics. It’s now illegal to make, import or distribute a range of items from plastic cutlery to straws, and packing film to […]
Scientists believe they have found why some animals don’t seem to age. A new study has found that turtles, salamanders and crocodiles age very slowly. Members […]
The world’s largest aircraft will fly in Spain. The Airlander 10 is a gigantic and modern zeppelin manufactured by Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV), and it has […]