Iva Galovic is a communication professional and content creator passionate about traveling, art and food. Native Croatian, she has a Master’s Degree in History of Art, Russian Language and Literature as well as Marketing. She has been working on communication campaigns and cultural and art projects in Croatia, Thailand, China and Belgium where she is currently living and where she finished EPAS – European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound at the School of Arts in Ghent. Natural born storyteller, Iva is also a co-founder of the Brussels based agency for communication and audiovisual production Zipper Lab.
With his van, he travels the streets of Brussels, delivering seafood which he excellently prepares in front of the customer while advising on how to pair […]
Every day Leonor Freitas contemplates her vineyard. There are moments, such as when it’s time for pruning the vines, where it seems to be nothing left. […]
Several chefs have already been cooking at Il Sale, the restaurant at Poggio ai Santi. This time it is different, though. The two Japanese chefs Shimpei and Sayuri, […]
Stepping up their game and at being responsible with its ecological impact on the planet, Coca-Cola has unveiled its paper bottle prototype and will soon start […]
Almaty is the former capital, and one of Kazakhstan’s largest metropolis. It’s a city of contrasts that lies amidst mountains and incredible nature, has some traditional […]
It’s nearly here, February 14th, the day of Saint Valentine. A time to spend with our special someone, to enjoy a romantic meal with delicious food […]
Belgium’s British supermarket Stonemanor will have to close both premises the weekend of February 6th and 7th. The cause, the store announced, was linked to extremely […]
Sustainable food production and sourcing is not a new concept anymore. This trend is on a rise in the hospitality industry and it has cultivated an […]