Dr Harold Goodwin has worked on 4 continents with local communities, their governments, accommodation providers and the inbound and outbound tourism industry. He is a Professor Emeritus and Responsible Tourism Director at the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, Managing Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership and adviser to WTM Africa on its Responsible Tourism programme. He chairs the panels of judges for the World Responsible Tourism Awards and the other Awards in the family, Africa, India and Latin America. Harold founded the ICRTD series of International Conferences on Responsible Tourism in Destinations in 2002, he co-chairs the conferences with the local host organisation. He is also Founder Director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism which he founded in 2002 and which promotes the principles of the 2002 Cape Town Declaration. In 2022 the Responsible Tourism Charter was signed on Magna Carta Island incorporating two decades of experience in using tourism to make better places for people to live in and to visit.
Like other sectors of the economy, travel and tourism is slowly weaning itself off fossil fuels which emit the greenhouse gasses which are warming our climate. […]
Covid-19 is showing us among others how necessary a functioning and efficient general social security system is. When we compare the situation in the 27 EU […]
In the USA wildfires have been raging for nearly a month across Oregon, California and Washington State. Thirty-five have died, many more are missing, and tens […]
Creating meaningful connections between tourists and hosts is one of the characteristics of Responsible Tourism, tourism is a major part of the experience economy. Visit Scotland has had […]
Staycation and a recipe for blueberry buns “So annoying, I can’t go to Spain this year, because of the annoying Covid-19 situation”, “I’m so disappointed, because […]
This year we are going to recognise those destinations, businesses and other organisations or individuals who have used tourism and their tourism assets to tackle the […]