Dr Harold Goodwin has worked on 4 continents with local communities, their governments, accommodation providers and the inbound and outbound tourism industry. He is a Professor Emeritus and Responsible Tourism Director at the Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, Founder of the ICRT.global, Managing Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership and adviser to WTM Africa on its Responsible Tourism programme. He chairs the panels of judges for the World Responsible Tourism Awards and the other Awards in the family, Africa, Europe, India, Latin America and Southeast Asia. . Harold founded the ICRTD series of International Conferences on Responsible Tourism in Destinations in 2002, he co-chairs the conferences with the local host organisation. He is also Founder Director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism which he founded in 2002 and which promotes the principles of the 2002 Cape Town Declaration. In 2022 the Responsible Tourism Charter was signed on Magna Carta Island incorporating two decades of experience in using tourism to make better places for people to live in and to visit.
Apply for a WTM Responsible Tourism Award, which this year has gone global. I am delighted that António Buscardini, Founder & CEO of Travel Tomorrow, will […]
The Amazon rainforest is huge. It covers about 5.500.000 square kilometers and makes up more than half of the world’s remaining rainforests. Researchers estimate that there […]
We mostly associate camping with the family holidays during our childhood. Travelling is expensive, especially when you’ve got children, and therefore our parents chose to pack […]
The government of the Brussels Region has confirmed its commitment to ban diesel vehicles from 2030 and gasoline vehicles from 2035. It has presented the details […]
Some destinations are taking the decision to restrict entry to unvaccinated travelers. This could be seen as a global “nudge” for those unwilling to get vaccinated. […]
On June 17th, Lufthansa announced that it will allow travelers to use an in-app QR code to confirm their vaccination status. More than a quarter of […]
The UNESCO World Heritage List includes various sites that are designated as having “outstanding universal value” under the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural […]
1. Around the World in 80 Days (1989) Excitement and adventure Written and presented by the comedian-actor, Michael Palin, based on the famous adventure novel by […]
Those who are living in an urban environment will undoubtedly agree that the pandemic has emphasized the shortcomings of cities in general. Staying home when you’ve […]
In an epic search for a mate, Emma, a five-year-old white rhinoceros has travelled from Taiwan to Japan. Emma is originally from Leofoo Safari Park in […]
On Friday June 18th, Belgium’s Consultative Committee met and determined that from this Sunday, 27th of June, an easing of measures would come into effect. The […]
Organizers of Tomorrowland have announced that the festival will not take place this year. The decision was taken after talks held between the mayors and the […]
Various types of eclipse are often captured on camera increasingly clear and beautiful photos, however one set of images that remains unique is those captured by […]