Iva Galovic is a communication professional and content creator passionate about traveling, art and food. Native Croatian, she has a Master’s Degree in History of Art, Russian Language and Literature as well as Marketing. She has been working on communication campaigns and cultural and art projects in Croatia, Thailand, China and Belgium where she is currently living and where she finished EPAS – European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound at the School of Arts in Ghent. Natural born storyteller, Iva is also a co-founder of the Brussels based agency for communication and audiovisual production Zipper Lab.
A faster train connection between Luxembourg and Brussels might be delayed until 2028, the transport ministers of both countries announced during a press conference on Thursday, […]
The mandatory face mask rule will be lifted from June 9 in the Brussels-capital region. It remains mandatory in high-traffic areas, inside shops and on public […]
Airports are the gateway to somewhere different; to other cities, foreign countries, interesting places. An exciting place for those who wish to travel and see the […]
Samgyetang or ginseng chicken soup, meaning ginseng – chicken – soup in Korean, is a delicious dish. Samgyetang is one of the most popular Korean dishes. […]
Starting this week on 9th June France will allow vaccinated Europeans into the country without a PCR test, whilst there will be a traffic light system […]
Ryanair condemned last Friday the “bizarre” decision of the United Kingdom to remove Portugal from the “green list” of international travel, underlining that the decision “has […]
Using the slogan ‘Time to reconnect Europe!’, leading aviation, travel and tourism European associations have launched the “Destination Summer” campaign asking for a harmonised approach to […]
On May 25th, 2021, Scottish architecture firm Kettle Collective announced it would be building the second-tallest skyscraper in the world. The tower will be built in […]
Anthony Bourdain, chef, book author, journalist, and travel documentarian, lived an extraordinary life. A life which film Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain, shows the audience in a whole […]
The latest research compiled by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) reveals that more than two million jobs could be created if international travel reopens […]
In today’s meeting of the Belgian Consultative Committee several topics were up for discussion, from how citizens will be able to travel this summer, to Horeca, […]
There is already a date for the anticipated opening of another hotel with the name and imprint of Portuguese football star, Cristiano Ronaldo, who is associated […]
The removal of Portugal from the United Kingdom’s green list, more than knowing whether it is a well-founded decision, consistent or not, is a decision that […]
Every 5th of June we celebrate World Environment Day, an important reminder that we must all do what we can to protect our natural surroundings and […]