Marta Pacheco.

Marta studied Political Science and Media & Journalism at the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and has developed her journalistic career working for the Portuguese newspapers Diário de Notícias, Correio da Manhā and media outlets in Brussels. She is a reporter for Travel Tomorrow, and is also engaged in delivering communications services and EU policy research for different consultancies in Brussels. A former Blue Book trainee of the European Commission, Marta has a keen interest in EU and global affairs, and experience in reporting and interpreting information. Whenever she can, Marta loves traveling, exploring nature and learning about regenerative agriculture. She is also quite enthusiastic about space ventures and the cosmos.

29 June 2023

Israel to cover all its new roofs with solar panels to offset for the lack of land

Israel is planning to install solar panels on all new non-residential buildings to help it meet renewable energy targets and the electricity demands of a fast-growing population. The country has favorable […]
5 June 2023

Supersonic spaceplane Dream Chaser moves a step closer to first space travel launch

Colorado-based aerospace company Sierra Space announced a “groundbreaking leap space transportation technology” as its supersonic spaceplane Dream Chaser has successfully been powered up for the first […]