Everyone vacations differently. For some it’s all about relaxing at the beach for two weeks straight, for others there’s nothing better than a short and intensive city trip. But if you’re looking to get in touch with yourself once again, an active holiday is probably what will work best for you. There’s nothing like a bit of a physical challenge to get to know yourself – and the people you’re away with. The question is, what do you want to do as an activity and where do you want to head to? A question well-worthy of your consideration.
Because after all, not all destinations and not all sports are created equal. And whether you prefer one or the other depends solely on your character. If you’re into water, you could go surfing, swimming, canoeing or who knows what else. Maybe you want to do so on a lake, maybe on the open sea, maybe on a river… You’re the only one who can decide what you prefer. However, it’s very well possible that water isn’t your cup of tea. Maybe you’re more of a land person – if something like that exists. In that case, Switzerland might just be the perfect destination for you.
Why, you ask? Well, there are a few different reasons why it makes for such a great destination. Firstly, according to a recent study carried out by USwitch, Switzerland would be the best country to go to within Europe when you’re in search of some magnificent wonders of nature. With the untouched mountains and forests, that shouldn’t really come as a surprise. Secondly, there’s Toblerone. No explanation needed on that. Thirdly, according to Forbes Advisor, Switzerland is the safest country to travel to within Europe right now.
Via Berna
But there’s another reason. The country has just welcomed a new 300 kilometre-long hiking path, called the Via Berna. As the name might suggest, it’s located in the canton of Bern, where it starts at Bellelay and ends at the Sustenpas. The route is divided into twenty 15 kilometre-long parts and will show you many of the reasons why Switzerland is worthy of your time. From mountain pastures to historical cities and everything in between: it’s a hike you won’t soon forget.
The Via Berne is the first of Switzerland’s hiking routes to be able to call itself a Leading Quality Trail – meaning there’s a lot of quiet-time, beautiful landscapes and earth walking paths. There are different options if you want to hike the Via Berne – from camping over hotels to even getting your luggage from one stop to the other. It all depends on what you like.