Earth Day 2022’s theme “Invest in our Planet: what will you do?” invites business and policy-makers to join the global movement and find ways to protect the planet. There are plenty of events planned around the world to help celebrate Earth Day and raise public awareness about the importance of this day. How can you be part of it?
1. Earth Day
Historically celebrated on 22 April, Earth Day represents the start of the environmental movement, which saw its birth in 1970. Today, public awareness about the protection of the environment and the impact of pollution on human health and ecosystems has become part of the global narrative. As public consciousness about the environment is now stronger than ever, Earth Day has gained greater strength, with billions celebrating it each year.
With time and the advent of digitalisation, Earth Day is now a solid online movement — Earthday — with a strong presence on the digital realm. Technology, media and social channels have allowed this iconic day to be celebrated across the world with a variety of planned events a little bit everywhere.
This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods.
Building on this year’s theme, advocates are pushing citizens, governments and businesses to do what they can to combat the climate crisis in order to “build a healthy planet for our children and their children.”
2. Global campaigns
For example, the Canopy Project, launched in 2010, will plant trees around the world for every $1 donation. Another impactful activity is the Great Global Cleanup, a global campaign which foresees the removal of billions of pieces of trash from neighbourhoods, beaches, rivers, lakes, trails, and parks.
The global campaign wants to help reducing waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats and preventing harm to wildlife and humans. Several cities are hosting related events, according to Earthday.
3. Personal actions
Personal actions taken by individuals can make a difference too. Changes in their daily lives such as composting and using reusable utensils is a step forward to bring about change. Other sustainable actions like being committed to recycling practices and engaging on local projects focused on sustainability, regenerative agriculture and other environmental-friendly practices are a great gift to planet Earth, too. To mark Earth Day 2022, several cities across the world are hosting their own events including tree planting, exhibits and other activities. Find local actions near you and joint the global movement to protect our planet!