The end of the year is rapidly approaching, meaning you’re either getting your home snuggly and all ready for Christmas, of you’re planning your Christmas getaway for this year – of course, the two options can be combined if you’d want to. Even though the festive season can be a very cozy moment to spend at home, it’s also the perfect timing to escape from the cold and go looking for a bit of sun and warmer temperatures. Yet who with? Will you go with your partner, your family or a group of friends?
Apparently, more and more people are choosing the latter. In some cases, of course, this might be due to the fact that they’re currently not seeing anyone and that therefore, they can either go on a solo trip or on a group getaway with friends. Yet for a lot of people, that’s not the reason why they’re choosing to go on a holiday with friends or a so-called mate-cation. According to a survey carried out by EasyJet, a lot of people are just happier when they’re in the company of their friends than when they’re with their partner.
Less stress, more fun
After questioning 2.000 Brits, EasyJet has come to the conclusion that no less than 72% of them would rather go on a two-week trip with their mates than with their partner. That’s 78% for the men and 65% for the women, meaning there’s a little difference between the sexes. An astonishing high number and yet the reasons why they prefer this are even more shocking, if you ask us.

Even though your partner should be the one person in your life you should be able to be yourself with, a whopping 45% of those questioned say it’s easier to let their hair down when they’re with friends instead of their partner. 43% says it would be too stressful going on a two-week holiday with their partner and one third always argues with their loved one when abroad, so going away with friends just seems like the easier option to them.
Of course, not any mate will do when you’re going away for two weeks. According to the survey, a great sense of humor is most important when choosing a travel buddy (74%). Patience (56%) and organization skills (53%) also rank highly. As one could expect, for 18% of travel mate-seekers, a partner in crime with great photography skills is required to maintain than perfect social media picture. Is this the end of the romantic holiday? We’re not sure but it certainly doesn’t look good for the romantic souls out there.