Two sperm whales were born hours apart, but more than 200 kilometers from each other in the Azores islands. The birth of two whales on the same day was detected on Wednesday August 18th by Portuguese scientists.
One was born off Faial Island and the other off São Miguel Island. Marine biologists José Nuno Pereira and Gisela DionÃsio announced to Portuguese media that the whale calf emerged vertically after several minutes following the appearance of a huge bloodstain in the water.
It was a group of sperm whales that has been visiting the Azores for several years. This time they have been off Faial and Pico for more than a week.
The birth was observed as tourist and research boats were already following the dives and socializing activities of a small sub-group of whales.
At about 3:40 p.m., experts describe, the interactions intensified, with great agitation, until a huge red spot appeared in the water. The animals were spinning on themselves, tails in the air.
You could tell something special was happening
José Nuno Pereira and Gisela DionÃsio, marine biologists
The birth on São Miguel Island was also followed closely. These are infrequent events, but have already been recorded in the Azores before.
The interruption of whaling in the region since 1984 has turned the archipelago into a sanctuary for large cetaceans.