There are over 2,000 varieties of cheese around the globe that garnishes various dishes and is a delicacy of its own. Among these varieties, the yak hard cheese is highly preferred by not only humans but their best friend, the dogs. Yak hard cheese is popularly consumed by dogs with strong canines as they are similar to bones and are enriched with protein. These yak hard cheeses were traditionally consumed by the people living in the Himalayas and are made using the most traditional methods and are very particular about not having any added preservatives. However, now the yak hard cheese has gained tremendous demand from the dog population as they are rich in protein and make up for their entertainment while chewing them as well.

These yak hard cheeses can be found on popular sites such as Amazon for $9.99 and Nepal is one of its largest exporters. In 2017/18 Nepal exported US$ 7 million dollars worth of yak hard cheese also known as “Chhurpi” as a form of a dog chew. This has tremendously encouraged the Nepalese local economy as 60-70% of this dog chew cheese is exported from rural farmers mainly from the Illam district, eastern Nepal.
Nepal is popularly known for its breathtaking scenery and exquisite mountains; however, one of the best kept secrets of Nepal is its rich cuisine. Similar to the yak cheese, the majority of the Nepalese delicacies are made traditionally with minimum use of processed products and are extremely high in nutrients. Along with hundreds of ethnicities in Nepal each ethnicity has its own cuisine that meets their taste and needs. Therefore, Nepal is the go to destination if you want a change of pace and taste in your life.

It is said that the most ethereal commodities thrive because of their scarcity. This particularly agrees with the cheese produced specifically in Nepal. As the ‘Yak blue cheese’ made from the mountains of the Rammechap district in Nepal wins the gold medal at the fourth Mondial du Fromage et des Produits Laitiers in France’s Loire Valley which is a cheese fair featuring 952 varieties of cheese from 48 countries; it features the premium food quality that is manufactured from the hidden parts of Nepal.

Francois Driard, the founder of Himalayan French Cheese, is the man behind the award winning cheese stresses on the delicate environment of the Nepalese landscape where the yaks that produce milk for the blue cheese are fed only wild grass and flowers to ensure that the milk concentration provides the richest textured cheese. It goes without saying that if the French approve of the Nepalese cheese, it is without a doubt one of the best you will ever taste. When you are on your next vacation to Himalaya, you can pamper yourself with Yak blue cheese and buy souvenirs for your favorite dog in ‘Yak hard cheese’. Bon Voyage !