As part of the vaccination rollout plan in Belgium, the Skyhall, the iconic former transit hall at Brussels Airport, is set to become the vaccination centre for the residents of the towns of Zaventem, Wezembeek-Oppem and Kraainem. The huge events hall at the airport will be one of the two vaccination centres in the first-line healthcare zone ‘Druivenstreek’. Brussels Airport is happy to make the Skyhall available to these municipalities.
“From the start of the Covid-19 crisis, Brussels Airport has actively contributed to protecting public health by providing test facilities.”
Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport
“From the start of the Covid-19 crisis, Brussels Airport has actively contributed to protecting public health by providing test facilities”, explains Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport Company. “After the Covid-19 PCR Test Centre near the Departures hall and the testing facilities for arriving passengers, Brussels Airport is now happy to make its iconic Skyhall available to the neighbouring towns to accommodate their vaccination campaigns. We are happy to be able to help and contribute to the collective efforts in the fight against COVID-19.”
The Skyhall, the former transit hall, was inaugurated exactly a year ago after almost two years of renovation and is an important symbol of Brussels Airport. Today, it’s an events venue, conveniently located in the heart of the airport, adjacent to the Departures hall, but the current situation does not allow for the organisation of events. It was only natural for Brussels Airport to have the neighbouring municipalities that were looking for large spaces, use it to accommodate their vaccination campaign.
In the days ahead, the municipalities of Zaventem, Wezembeek-Oppem and Kraainem, in collaboration with Brussels Airport, will set up and equip the vaccination centre. After a trial period starting at the beginning of February, the vaccination campaign should be up to speed by mid-February. The Skyhall at Brussels Airport is centrally located and easily reachable by road and public transport. The vaccination centre will be open every day for the inhabitants of Zaventem, Wezembeek-Oppem and Kraainem who have received a vaccination invitation from the government. In accordance with the vaccination strategy, persons over 65 years of age and the risk groups are first in line, followed by the essential workers and the general population.