Moving abroad is a thing. Quite often, you have to start all over again, learn a new language and go through quite a rough start to be able to settle in another country. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that for some of us, it’s unthinkable to leave our family, friends, job and everything behind to jump into the unknown. However, for others, it’s all they dream about. After all, such a new experience is pretty exciting and it can be just what you needed. More sun, less stress, more free time: there are a lot of perks to it too.
But how do you choose where you want to live if it’s not in your home country? Of course, you could try to first find a job somewhere and search for a location depending on what you find and where you find it. More often than not, you’ll end up in a city filled with expats living their ‘adventure abroad’ and maybe that’s exactly what you need. Maybe you want to be surrounded by an international crowd, where you can blend in without too much difficulty. Where you can maybe stay for a few years before moving onto your next destination.
However, that’s not per se everyone’s cup of tea. After all, if you’re looking for a calm and relaxing place to settle down, such an international hub isn’t necessarily the perfect fit. In that case, you’re better off looking at a more secluded destination. Close to the sea, in the mountains or simply in a little village in the countryside: options are endless. Yet, we may have just found the perfect location for you to move to.
We have created the conditions for young people to decide to stay and (develop) the economic fabric of the most fragile territories.
Christian Solinas, Sardinian President, stated in a press release
“Thanks to the contributions to their first houses, this is strengthened and becomes fertile ground for those who will move there or decide to build a family. There can be no growth without a real enhancement of the territories, of the interior and most disadvantaged areas, which must pass through new policies for their repopulation”, Sardinian President Christian Solinas stated in a press release.
Rural depopulation
In an effort to combat rural depopulation, pristine Sardinia is offering people a grant of 15.000 euros to settle down in one of the island’s many little towns and villages. The grant comes from the Sardinian government and therefore doesn’t have to be refunded afterwards, but of course, there are some criteria if you want to be able to benefit from it.
First of all, the money has to go towards the purchase or renovation of a Sardinian home. The house also has to be located in a municipality with less than 3.000 inhabitants and 15.000 euros is the absolute maximum. In any case, the amount can’t surpass half of the purchasing or renovation costs. Lastly, you’ll have to register your residence in Sardinia within 18 months of your arrival if you want to be eligible for the grant. A lot of criteria, that’s for sure, but 15.000 euros certainly is a lovely starting budget!