I’m Possible is the new video series from Adidas, telling inspiring stories of women whose names are now recognised around the world, such as volleyball player Tifanny Abreu, basketball player Asma Elbadawi, model Ellie Goldstein, actress HoYeon, runner Fátima Ibrahimi, skater Momiji Nishiya and yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley.
We see their power, we celebrate the possibilities they see, we share the optimism with which they seize opportunities.
Vicky Free, international marketing director at Adidas
From weight to skin colour, passing through “boys’ sports”, each of these women has broken barriers in their field and Adidas is alongside them to break the ones that are still missing, inspiring millions to do the same.
I’m told I don’t look like an athlete. Well, they are completely wrong. My body is strong and flexible and I realized that the more I show it, the more strength I give to others.
Jessamyn Stanley, yoga practitioner
“We see their power, we celebrate the possibilities they see, we share the optimism with which they seize opportunities. This is our appeal to all women: continue to make the impossible possible every day. Adidas will continue to be your ally, through the innovation of our products, partnerships and in all dimensions of sport”, says Vicky Free, international marketing director at Adidas.
The famous sports brand has been making efforts to improve its gender equality as part of its products. In 2021, Adidas announced it started analysing the anatomical differences between the female foot and the male foot. The result of this venture was the creation of the Ultraboost 22, a pair of running shoes with a redesigned shape that offers better performance to athletes.
This year, Adidas has started studying the impact of sport on the breasts, creating a line of sports bras that are more suitable and with greater support. In addition to the pieces it has on offer, the brand is committed to supporting several women (some already mentioned above) in their profession as athletes, and this year it expands its sponsorship to major championships, such as the UEFA Women’s Champions League and the Women’s Euro 2022.
On a more social level, the brand has several programs to promote gender equality in sport and support the continuity of the athletic path of hundreds of girls.