Beer spas have existed for a while now in cities like Brussels and Budapest, the concept has just been inaugurated in France. The first beer spa in the country of croissants and champagne has recently opened in Strasbourg.
We just thought, wow, we have to bring it to France. We have to show other French people about this concept.
Naomie Crawshwa, Taaka Beer Spa co-founder for Euronews Travel
1. Taaka Beer Spa
Two friends, Naomie Crawshwa and Paul Fruh went on a trip to Prague when they were students and enjoyed a nice relaxing time at one such spa. Their immediate thought was that the French people also deserve this kind of treat.
The package to Taaka includes 15 min the sauna, to open the pores and allow the substances in the hot tub to better soak into the skin. Then, depending on the option, either 30 minutes or one hour in the hot tub.

The bath is not actually filled with beer, of course, but it has all the natural ingredients used in beer making: hops, malt and yeast. And, of course, each tub has its own beer tap attached so guests can pour themselves one, two or more mints. After a good soak, a relaxation room awaits where guests can take 15 minutes to slowly transition back to reality.

2. Support local producers
When we started the project we really had that feeling that people really wanted to know where the product was from and to have a special product not a beer you can have anywhere.
Naomie Crawshwa, Taaka Beer Spa co-founder for Euronews Travel
Naomie and Paul say that, from the very beginning, they knew they wanted to collaborate with and support local producers. The beer that flows through their tap comes from a local micro-brewery, so it quite difficult to find anywhere else. The hops and yeast that are used for the hot tubs are also from Alsace, while the malt is brought from just over the border in Germany.