Portugal has been ranked as the place to have a road trip in Europe, according to travel site Momondo. When considering a road trip, especially in a lesser-known country, there are several factors for a traveler to consider. A lot of questions come to mind, and the answers to them can make or break the road trip.
Momondo analyzed 31 countries in Europe and rated them on 17 factors in six categories to make your considerations a little easier. The index provides an assessment of the countries’ suitability for a road trip. The final score of each country was determined using a weighted average of all factors and is shown on a scale of 1 to 100.
The rankings based on the research are divided into six categories: weather, safety and infrastructure, price, safety and infrastructure, car rental, and nature and attractions. Multiple factors were used in each of these categories, each with a different number, depending on their impact on the attractiveness of a road trip.
The countries rated the best for a road trip are likely to be countries with good prices, road quality, lots of nature to explore, competitive rates for car rentals, and little traffic congestion. The countries rated as least suitable for a road trip are likely to have higher prices, not as good road quality and/or not as much nature.
1. Main findings
Portugal finished #1 it scored well on several important factors, including road quality, the number of natural features and attractions, and car rental prices. It also scored well on number of hours of sunshine and there is little air pollution and few traffic jams.
Spain ranks #2 for many of the same reasons as Portugal: good road quality, lots of nature and sights, and lots of sunshine with little rain. There are also few car accidents and car rental prices are reasonable.
Luxembourg did not score well for weather, but still ended up at number 3 due to its amazing nature and sights. Reasonable price for car rentals, accommodations and fuel, plus toll-free roads, also make the country cheaper to explore.
2. Categories
Car Rental: #1 Slovakia
In this category, countries were judged not only on the price of car rental, but also on the reviews of car rental companies. Slovakia took first place with a winning combination of the second lowest car rental prices and excellent car rental company reviews.
Safety and infrastructure: #1 Switzerland
Switzerland is a very safe country to drive in. It ranks first as the country with the fewest car accidents per year and it also has the best road quality. In general, the countries that scored well have fewer car accidents and good road quality.
Price: #1 Ukraine
In this category, countries were rated based on prices for fuel, accommodations and parking, as well as toll policies. Ukraine takes first place because fuel is cheap, prices for accommodations and parking are low, and the roads are toll-free.
Weather: #1 Spain
It’s no surprise that Spain has great weather. A combination of low precipitation and the most hours of sunshine makes Spain the perfect country for a sunny road trip.
Nature and sights: #1 Switzerland
This category includes two factors often considered when planning a road trip: the attractiveness of a country’s nature and the number of UNESCO heritage sites. Switzerland scores the best here with its beautiful mountains, lakes and forests, but it also has the third most heritage sites in Europe relative to the size of the country.