The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) believes that the introduction of new hotel quarantines by the UK government would force the complete collapse of Travel & Tourism as we know it.
WTTC fears the impact of the new proposals being considered by the UK government would cause irreparable damage to a sector which contributes nearly ÂŁ200 billion to the UK economy. The concern follows nine months of devastating travel restrictions, which has left scores of businesses crushed, millions of jobs lost or put at risk, and confidence to travel at an all-time low.
“Travellers and holidaymakers would simply not book business or leisure trips knowing they would have to pay to isolate in a hotel, causing a drastic drop in revenues throughout the sector,” said Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO. “From airlines to travel agents, travel management companies to holiday companies and beyond, the effect on UK travel businesses would be devastating, further delaying the economic recovery. Even the threat of such action is enough to cause consternation and serious alarm.”
WTTC maintains despite months of forced quarantines post travel, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest they work. Even the government’s own figures show quarantines have not proved to be effective in reducing the spread of Covid-19. Community transmission continues to pose a far greater peril than international travel.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), along with many other major organisations, have said quarantines are not an effective public health measure and only hinder travel.
“WTTC believes the measures introduced by the government just last week – proof of a pre-departure COVID-19 test, followed by short quarantine and another test if necessary, could stop the virus in its tracks, and still allow the freedom to travel safely,” said Guevara. “These simple but highly effective measures, if implemented properly, could aid the revival of a sector which will be essential to powering the UK and global economic recovery.”