Social nudity – in a non-sexual meaning – is now accepted by most open-minded people. But people who dare to live a clothes-free life are still only a minority. In the past few years naturist activities have been growing a lot, giving nudists the possibility to experience new things and meet other people eager to share their enthusiasm for nudism. Among those activities, one in particular looks quite interesting: naked yoga.
Although naked yoga has gained popularity in our society only in recent years, it is actually an ancient practice that has existed since a long time as a spiritual practice. The word comes from the Sanskrit “Nagna Yoga” or “Vivastra Yoga” and it is mentioned in the Bhagavata Purana, one of the Hinduism sacred texts.
Naked yoga in three words? Fun, comfort and self-confidence. Nude yoga classes are becoming more and more popular in many major cities around the world. Imagine stretching and relaxing your body and moving it freely without any clothes at all. But what’s most surprising is the fact that not only regular naturists participate in these nude workouts, but also “normal” people who do not consider themselves as naturists and only want to experience something new and unusual. This kind of workout in the nude is a fun and healthy activity that boosts everyone’s body positivity, self-confidence and inner peace.
1. Are you ready for a nude yoga class?
It is not a mystery that to practice naked yoga you have to be quite open minded: you’ll have to leave your shyness at home, along with your clothes.
Before taking a nude yoga class there are, however, some implications to bear in mind. First of all, signing up for a naked yoga session is a big step out of your comfort zone! And here is why: although the classical naturist etiquette says that it’s fundamental to leave other naturist some private space and not to use too exposing positions, during yoga classes this is basically impossible.
During a yoga lesson all participants are very close to each other and yoga is all about stretching positions which in most cases require a great amount of exposure. But that’s inevitable because it’s the essence of yoga. Some schools offering naked yoga classes might leave out from the session the most exposing positions, while other teachers could decide to keep all poses, regardless of their degree of exposure.
Another implication that you have to consider is that in a yoga class there is no way you can cover your body if you feel uncomfortable. Indeed, while in a nudist beach you can always hide a little in the water or wrap yourself in the towel, during yoga you can’t definitely hide yourself somewhere! So, if you’re new to the naturist world, a yoga class might be a little too much to start.
Consider also that many yoga classes are mixed classes, meaning that you’ll have to share the room with both men and women. However, some yoga schools also offer female-only classes or mixed classes where women are allowed to keep their bottoms on.
Should you sign up for a nude yoga class? It really depends on you. Some naturists only want to enjoy social nudity in a simpler way, for example in a nude beach or resort, and thus they do not feel the need to expose themselves so much. Other people might consider the intense nudity implied in naked yoga as a way to completely free themselves and gain some more body confidence without being restricted by apparel while exercising.
2. Best places for a naked yoga session
Bare Yoga, London: the school offers naked yoga classes for men only. The classes incorporate various poses, hands-on adjustments, pair poses, relaxation and occasional meditation.
Naked Yoga LA, Los Angeles: this school is located in Venice (CA) and it offers a wide variety of naked yoga classes and styles: from private training, to group classes, to workshops, to online sessions.
Yoga Kitchen, Brussels: this school offers nude yoga classes for men, with the aim of inspiring them and make them enthusiastic about yoga.
True Naked Yoga, online: this is a yoga digital platform offering only online naked yoga classes delivered by certified coaches.