The French town of Touquet Paris-Plage is sometimes called “the most British of French resorts” and its airport acquired the same nickname. To honour the late Queen Elizabeth II and further strengthen the relation between the two countries, the airport will be renamed after the UK’s longest reigning monarch.
The airport was built in the 1930s to accommodate the planes of British customers who came in large numbers to enjoy the resort. Thanks to the flourishing tourism, in the 1950s, Touquet Paris-Plage became, and still remains today, the third most circulated airport in France, after Paris Orly and Niece.
The woman who, for 70 years, served her country with commitment, respect and constancy, at the same time as always being attentive to the good relations between our two nations, she who spoke French and appreciated our country.
“Due to the attachment of the Royal Family to France and the town, at the next municipal council, I will propose for the name of Elizabeth II to be given to our international airport, which has always been a strong link between our two countries. The most British of French airports”, Mayor Daniel Fasquelle said in a tweet.
According to a press release from the city, the name change pays homage to “Queen Elisabeth II and her visit to Le Touquet with her uncle Edward VIII, which she practiced horse riding as well as sand yachting. With this decision, our airport affirms and reinforces its status as the most British of French airports.”
The airport is located 2.9 km south-east of the city and remains today a major getaway for British citizens. Along the restoration of duty free and the introduction of private management, the “baptizing” is intended to support the resort in its desire to regain international influence.