Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Try and remember the year 2010. Why 2010, you ask? Well, because that’s when the oh-so popular picture sharing app Instagram was born. Those who have been around since then, will probably remember that back in the days, we were much less fussy about the content we put out there. A blurry picture from a night out with friends? A photo of that all-but-photogenic oatmeal breakfast? A poorly-lit portrait of your favourite pet? No problem, it was all fit to put on Instagram. Yet of course, somewhere along the line, Instagram changed.
Instead of just a platform where you could share a picture of your daily life with your friends (and some strangers), it became a social media app where we’re all competing against each other. Who has the most beautiful home? Who creates the most perfect make-up look? Who has the most in-shape body? Who bakes the most intricate cakes? It always has to be more, it always has to be better. If you want to keep your Instagram followers and beat the algorithm, life can be tough. Because everything counts.
And of course, the subject of what you post is quite important to obtain followers, likes and so on. Selfies always do well, but we not all of us want to put our face out there on the internet, and certainly not on a daily basis. You could consider making a famous Instagram star out of your pet but not every cat is a Grumpy Cat, let’s be honest there. So what else to do? Which subject to choose?
Well, according to Chef’s Pencil, you could consider making an Instagram account all about food. Or, if that’s not your gist, you could at least post a picture of your food from time to time. But, be aware, not all dishes are created equal. Some of them are more popular than others. Whether you are a restaurant owner yourself, a chef enthusiast or an aspiring food critic, you better choose wisely what you make or photograph. Do you want to stay on top of the Instagram game? Better start taking notes then, because these are the 10 most popular cuisine types on Instagram.