The covid-19 pandemic is an extra boost for tackling climate and environmental-related challenges that our generation has. A revolution in transport is key when it comes to achieve the goal of no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050.
Bikes are the perfect solution for those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and it is a perfect tool to re-shape the way we conceive cities: more eco-friendly and pollution-free. Eurostat estimates that approximately 12.2 million bicycles were produced in the EU in 2020. This represents an increase of 1.2% compared with 2019.
The sold production of bicycles greatly varies among EU Member States for which data are available, from approximately 1 500 bicycles in Denmark up to over 2.1 million bicycles in Italy and over 2.6 million in Portugal.

Portugal is the member state where bicycles are produced the most. In average, every year Portugal produces more than 1 million bikes. In 2020 2.6 million bikes were produced in this country. Almost 9000 workers returned to their word and they had to massively produce since the demand for bikes had doubled.