In the dating world, you have to keep up with the trends to find the match you’re looking for. From matrimonials in newspapers and then dedicated websites once the internet took off, to speed dating events, to Tinder, then Bubble and then the “exclusive” Inner Circle, there is always a new thing in dating that claims to ensure finding the perfect match.
While the results are to be judged by each person, the latest trend in dating on the Iberic Peninsula is going to the supermarket. Not to look for groceries, bur rather for potential dates, with social media users proposing rules on how to use stores for dating.
Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona seems to be the most popular site for such interactions. A TikTok video from Spanish actress and comedian Vivy Lin posted on 20 August that has got 1.6 million views since then seems to have brought the secret into the spotlight. Shopping with her friend, Carla Alarcón, at Mercadona, Lin noticed “There’s people here that have been walking around for a while…. and their carts are empty. They’re not even pretending to shop.”
People in the comments then revealed more details about how to date at a supermarket, one user saying there are specific time slots during the day allocated to going to the shop just for flirting. At Mercadona, the best time to find a match is between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm, according to one comment. At Lidl, it’s from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, so if Lidl is unsuccessful, you have time to do a round at Mercadona on the same evening. Meanwhile, at El Corte Inglés, the best time is apparently at noon, specifically in the perfume section.
Other users have also proposed using grocery items as signals for specific intentions. Content creator Nacho Pla has explained that, to show the other people in the store why you’re there, you have to put an upside-down pineapple in your cart, while other items can suggest more specific plans. “Lettuce? It goes off quickly, so that’s if you want a one-night stand. Lentils, as they don’t go off, is for looking for something long-term. Oil if you are looking for someone with money”, the content creator explains. And, the equivalent of a Tinder super like in the grocery world? Bumping your cart against the one of the person you’re interested in.
Others have however suggested that vegetables, of any kind, are the sign of looking for a long-term relationship, while chocolate should be put in the cart as a sign of wanting a mere fleeting romance.
The trend has also made its way to neighbouring Portugal, where the Spanish supermarket chain has only been present for five years. As it turns out, besides produce, it has also brought over dating tips. Tags of the “Mercadona trick” are trending on social media and the same evening hour, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm and pineapple sign, apparently apply at Mercadona stores in Portugal.
Although this seems like the latest thing to do, some users have pointed out that “the urban myth 20 years ago was a single banana prominently displayed meant you were single”, with the orientation of the banana suggesting your top or bottom preferences.
And, while some are looking for their next date in the grocery store, other users have also pointed out how the time slots for dating at the supermarket coincide with the time a lot of people get to the shops after work, so the trend will increase crowding and nuisance for those actually looking to buy some food.