Breakups. Sooner or later we all go through them and except, for a lucky few, they are always messy. Everybody deals with them differently, but the fall-out is just not nice. No matter how long the relationship lasted, you need some recovery time, whether you admit it or not.
It is precisely for this reason that the Heartbreak Hotel opened at the end of last year, to help women first of all understand their breakup and then heal from it. The hotel offers 3-day retreats during which guests take part in group therapy, yoga sessions and other relaxing activities that help unwind and recover from the unpleasantness and stress of a breakup.
If you have a broken heart, have lost the love of your life, have been betrayed, you’ve come to the right place.
If you are feeling angry, confused, abandoned, exhausted, you’ve come to the right place.
If you want to transform your heartbreak into freedom, clarity, empowerment and joy, you’ve come to the right place.
The Heartbreak Hotel
They claim that their 8 hours a day of “transformational therapy” is equivalent to 6 months of weekly therapy and during this time “you will learn your attachment style, re-script the relationship narratives that have kept you caged and learn how to break free from them”.
Even the food is specially tailored to comfort the guests, with all the meals prepared by the resident chef “with heartbreak healing in mind… and nutritionally packed with ingredients that will enhance your healing experience”.
At The Heartbreak Hotel we believe that our heartbreak connects us to the very essence of what it is to be human, that our vulnerability is also the birthplace of compassionate change and daring creativity – if only we could see it.
The Heartbreak Hotel
The founders of the hotel are Alice Haddon, an advocate for women’s mental health and a lecturer and counselling psychologist with 25 years of experience in both public and private adult psychology services, and life coach Ruth Field, an international bestselling writer and advocate committed to making women’s voices heard.