Cycling is an incredibly relaxing way to spend your free time while discovering your surroundings. Regardless of whether you prefer to take your ride on a warm, sunny summer day, or on a crisp autumn morning, there are several biking routes around Tervuren for all ages and training levels. For an extra challenge, after you uncover them rigorously, why not go for a speed run and try to break your own record.
1. Sonian Forest route
The Sonian Forest coveres 4,400 hectares, 270 of which being recognised by UNESCO as an Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe Natural World Heritage Site. The 42 km long route allows you to discover part of this incredible ancient forest.
The path is well marked via the nodes of the Flemish Brabant bike network and there are several visitor centres along the way, including De Warandepoort in Tervuren, Dru! F in Overijse or the Jan van Ruusbroec Forest Museum in Groenendaal.
2. Brabantse Pijl Cycling route
One of the more challenging trails, the Brabantse Pijl route leads to the Dijleland, between Leuven and Brussels.
Besides being 98 km long, the route also includes a total of 1,033 metres of uphill road, so you should be better prepared for this one. The path is signposted, but gpx coordinates are also available for those who want to more easily follow the trail on their own devices.
3. Muscat route
The Muscat route also passes briefly through the Sonian Forest before arriving at La Hulpe, where the Belgian grape variety “Baidor” was elaborated at the provincial research centre after careful cross-fertilization with the well-known Muscat grape.
While the trail is only 39.3 km long, the lanes are unpaved and several steep slopes need to be conquered to reach the birthplace of the Baidor and then then Dru! F (‘grape’) visitor centre in Overijse. Nodes of the Flemish Brabant cycle network mark the path.
Route: 61 β 60 β 49 β 44 β 30 β 41 β 42 β 79 β 2 β 4 β 81 β 16 β 18 β 41 β 40 β 29 β 25 β 60 β 61
4. Voer Valley route
The Voer Valley is scattered with regal castles, ducal hunting grounds, a royal museum and a little church over 1,000 years old that holds an imperial secret. This 47 km long route passes all of these and more.
Follow the Flemish Brabant cycle network nodes along the Voer, starting in Tervuren and turn right at node 13, towards node 2, to return to Tervuren and complete the trail. Or why not add a little detour to the city of Leuven and make a full day out of it.
Route: 61 β 46 β 45 β 19 β 18 β 14 β 13 (β 75 β 74 β 10 β 74 β 75 β 13) β 2 β 3 β 59 β 4 β 7 β 27 β 58 β 57 β 25 β 60 β 61
5. Royal route
While the Muscat route takes you to the birthplace of the Belgian wine grape, this trail tells another story. It leads to the Huldenberg castle, or the cradle of the table grape since it is here that Felix Sohie once started growing succulent table grapes in the greenhouse along the wall of Baron de Peuthy’s chateau. Towards the end of the route, you will reach the Park of Tervuren, an elegant green oasis not so far from Brussels and one of the Flemish gateways to the Sonian Forest.
This 33.2 km long route alternates steep slopes with open landscapes and splendid panoramas, especially towards Neerijse and Leefdaal. It is marked by nodes of the Flemish Brabant cycle network.
Route: 61 β 60 β 25 β 29 β 40 β 26 β 27 β 7 β 4 β 59 – 3 β 9 β 19 β 45 β 46 β 61