Mauricio Ruiz is a writer and journalist who has lived in the US, Belgium, Mexico and Norway. His work has appeared in Words Without Borders, Catapult, The Common, The Rumpus, Electric Literature, JMWW, River Teeth, Literal Magazine, among others. He's been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and Myriad Editions Competition in the UK, as well as the Fish Short Story Prize in Ireland. He has received fellowships from OMI writers (NY), Société des auteurs (Belgium), Jakob Sande (Norway), Can Serrat (Spain), and the Three Seas' Council (Rhodes). His second book, Silencios al sur, was published in early 2017, and his work has partially been translated into Dutch and French. Mauricio Ruiz can be followed on Twitter and Instagram.
Nearly 8,500 square kilometers of Amazonian forest were destroyed in Brazil in 2020, according to the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). This has been the […]
Carbon dioxide emissions in 2020 fell by 7% given that many countries around the world have imposed travel restrictions to control the spread of Covid-19 contagion […]
In the USA wildfires have been raging for nearly a month across Oregon, California and Washington State. Thirty-five have died, many more are missing, and tens […]