The new bright pink colour of the Corfo lagoon in Argentina may look pretty but the reason behind the recent colour change is anything but. According […]
Tourism businesses and destinations are stepping up their commitment to sustainability. Aimed at reducing waste and pollution across the sector, the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative (GTPI) is welcoming […]
The European Commission adopted a package of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions […]
In 2020, primary energy consumption and carbon emissions from energy consumption recorded the fastest drop ever since the Second World War, according to data released by […]
The Amazon rainforest is huge. It covers about 5.500.000 square kilometers and makes up more than half of the world’s remaining rainforests. Researchers estimate that there […]
The government of the Brussels Region has confirmed its commitment to ban diesel vehicles from 2030 and gasoline vehicles from 2035. It has presented the details […]
Oil residues have reached the French Mediterranean island of Corsica, leading to the closure of five famous beaches. Authorities are searching for the source of the […]
The Danish government has approved plans to build a giant artificial island off the country’s capital city of Copenhagen. The island, named Lynetteholm, will house 35,000 […]
Every 5th of June we celebrate World Environment Day, an important reminder that we must all do what we can to protect our natural surroundings and […]
In the Valais Alps in Switzerland, Lake Toules is home to the world’s first high-altitude floating solar park. Its panels produce 50% more energy than those […]
Over the last twelve months, we have made some progress in learning to live with Covid with vaccinations and better treatments, new social protocols and vaccine […]
Saturday saw the official launch of “CurieuzenAir”, the largest ever air quality study of Belgium’s capital. The data collected will provide more reliable information for politicians […]
Despite what some might say, global warming is real. And its consequences can be seen all over the planet. Species are getting extinct, weather conditions are […]